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Dzûn dzûn ganke le

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Information: A song.

Translation: For mother went

Pronunciation: juhn juhn GAHN-keh leh

Region: Bulgaria

Music: Bulgaria in Song and Dance N.P. 595, Bulgarian National Ensemble Nasha Pesen.


\\ Libe ako dojdeš, sega da mi dojdeš, //
če njama majka, če nyama tate,
če nyama tate, če njama bati.

        \\ Dzûn dzûn ganke le dzûn bayovata
        hop trop momite rip bajovite.//

\\ Če majka otišla na vodenica, //
na vodenica s kriva magarica.
Dano dade Gospod magare da padne
magare da padne, majka da zabavi
za da se poljubja sûs mladi ergeni,
sûs mladi ergeni, sûs mladi serbezi.

\\ Libe ako dojdeš, sega da mi dojdeš, //
če njama mayka, če njama tate,
če njama tate, če njama bati.

\\ Če tate otišûl kozi da si pase. //
Dano dade Gospod kozi da izgubi,
za da se zabavi za da se poljubya
sûs mladi ergeni, sûs mladi serbezi.


Lover, if you're going to come, come to me now,
for Mother isn't here, for Daddy isn't here,
for Daddy isn't here, for brother isn't here.

        For Mother went to the well,
        to the well with a lame donkey.

May the Lord grant us
that the donkey fall,
that the donkey fall
and that Mother be delayed
so that I can fool around with the boys,
with the boys, with the wild boys.

Lover, if you're going to come, come to me now,
for Mother isn't here, for Daddy isn't here,
for Daddy isn't here, for brother isn't here.

For Daddy went to herd goats.
May the Lord grant us that he lose the goats,
so that he's delayed and I can fool around
with the boys, with the wild boys.


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